
Five news of the day

La brasserie du barboteur, située au sous-sol./ Photo : M. Andrieu

Vincent Peillon doesn’t want to support a candidate for the left-wing primary > The outgoing candidate of left-wing primary, Vincent Peillon, was a guest on Franceinfo this morning. He said he didn’t want to support Manuel Valls or Benoît Hamon for the second round. His explanation: he wants a unified left-wing party.

A new festival in Toulouse : Echos et Merveilles Festival > On  January 27th and 28th,  Le Bascala, in Bruguières, will host a new and unique festival in Occitania: Echos et Merveilles festival. On the program: a mix of geek culture, fantasy, medieval and Celtic universes. There will be something for everyone!

Le Monde goes to war against fake news > « Les Décodeurs » of Le Monde, has created a tool to differentiate between sites covering real news as opposed to those that publish falsehoods.  It will be ready on February 1st!

The Netherlands replies to Trump concerning his anti-abortion measures > Donald Trump signed a decree to prohibit the funding for NGOs that support abortions. In response, Lilianne Ploumen, Minister of Cooperation in the Netherlands, will launch an international fund to raise awareness of contraception and better management of abortions in developing countries.

Brewer and bar at the same time, discover Le Barboteur ! > Florent and Brieuc, manager of the Barboteur is offering beer that comes directly from their basement.



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