
Five news of the day

Hundreds of ISIS members arrested in Turkey > Turkey has struck a big blow. In response to accusations of laxity against jihadist networks, at least 763 people have been arrested across the country between Sunday and today …
Russia will not participate in the London Athletics World >  Already banned from the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 an accusations of doping, Russia will not be able to participate in the world athletics championships to be held in London next august …
Aulnay-sous-bois : a third tense night and 26 arrests > Aulnay-sous-bois hasn’t yet calmed down after the hospitalization of Theo, a young man who claims to have been assaulted and raped by four policemen. Yesterday night, new incidents broke out …

Tourism in France up in the last quarter of 2016 > The report published by the INSEE said the tourism figures in France in the fourth quarter of 2016 were positive. It’s a pleasant surprise, they are globally up to the tune of 3,9% more tourists than during the same period in 2015.

Lucie, an interpreter, wants to give back the possibility of speech to the deaf > Thirty years ago, the sign language interpreter profession didn’t exist. And yet, it’s in Toulouse, that one finds the largest deaf community in France. Lucie Gaillard, an interpreter for three years, does her best to make everyday life accessible to the deaf …

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